New updates and improvements to Grro.
Nov 10, 2023
Share overhaul

You, our users, have spoken! our Share UX (user experience) confused you. It did not correctly communicate what it was supposed to help you achieve.
Sharing is about controlling access to a show's data with users both outside or inside your organisation.
For now, any shared show data is only available for VIEW access only, using a unique link.
We feel our overhauled Share UX communicates this more clearly.
Also new:
🗝️ Simplified access to your Matches from the landing page.
Oct 25, 2023
Share cross promo recommendations

You can now choose to make your cross promo recommendations public. This creates a new separate public page accessible by anyone that has the link.
Anyone viewing the page can explore your cross promo graph to understand how you're connected to them. Or, so they can understand your listeners' habits.
As a bonus, we've made it easy to share your public page on email, LinkedIn or Twitter(X) - powered by Open Graph compliant link previews.
Also new:
🗝️ Simplified password resets.
🧭 New menu to navigate between sections.
🧐 Clarified cross promo recommendation sections.
Oct 12, 2023
Grro Blog

We have launched our blog!
Expect tips that maximise your use of Grro. And, help you navigate the best cross promo opportunities.
Oct 02, 2023
Grro is live
Grro is live. 🚀🚀✨🤖